Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Random Thoughts

As I sit here bored out of my mind in CS 330, I realized that it's been quite a while since we've had a post. Perhaps we've all been too busy with our 2 o'clock meeting, but this is a travesty and should not have happened. So, I'm going to post some random thoughts I've had as late in an effort to spawn some comments and new threads...not that I have any good thoughts. I'm mostly going to ramble.
  • Does everyone remember the BYU freshman that got lost in Y Mountain? Maybe I'm being a little mean, but how do you get lost on Y Mountain? I mean, all he had to do was walk down to all the buildings that are clearly viewable from Y Mountain. Even if he was on the east side of the mountain and couldn't see Provo, he could have at least walked know, to get off the mountain? I think the funniest comment he made was, "It was one of the hardest climbs I’ve ever had to do and I just feel so grateful." One of the hardest climbs ever? Are you serious? Perhaps this guy is from Nebraska or something and isn't used to anything more than a gently rising slope. I'd like to see this kid go on a trip with Randall.
  • I really, really like our room's new setup. It's so nice to be out of the middle of the room. Does anyone really want to move to another room?
  • So far I'm thoroughly disappointed with the letters to the editor this week. Not a single letter has been funny or original. The last good letter that comes to mind is the one Ryan's sister wrote on February 22, 2006.
  • Emacs is the worst text editor I've ever been forced to program in. Vim rocks.
  • One word: Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz


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