Thursday, September 14, 2006

A Week into the Semester

Well, it's been a little over a week since classes started up again and no one has posted anything. I guess we're all quite busy and everything, but there has to be something worth throwing up on the ol' Pats on the Back blog.

I'll start with a rant. I'm pretty sure that we've all noticed the many newspapers that seem to collect in the bathroom stalls throughout the day. What I want to know is why do people think that someone else wants to touch their newspaper? Especially the ones that are lying on the floor or wedged between the back of the toilet and the wall. I've had a long standing policy to never touch anything on the floor or touching the toilet without latex gloves. That policy is not about to change. Seriously though, I don't understand why people just leave a newspaper on the bathroom floor, thinking that someone else will want to touch it.

While we're on the topic of bathrooms, has anyone else noticed that people seem to come running into the bathroom about to explode? It's like a bomb goes off as soon as they sit down. I feel sorry for these people, whose body obviously is failing to let them know before the last second that it's that time. I have this really funny mental image of an overweight, computer nerd running down the hall with one hand plugging his rear...makes me laugh every time.

King Tut.


At 9/18/2006 8:46 AM, Blogger Ryan said...

King Tut was a boy genius. His accomplishments never cease to amaze and inspire.

I think I'm going to have to go bug George into actually following through with this PeopleSoft assignment. It's a funny thing that always happens around here. People tell you that they've got something for you to do, but instead you end up sitting around for a long while waiting for it.

Honestly though, isn't PeopleCode one of the ugliest languages you've ever seen? It looks like it was invented by some HR person who knew a little VB.

At 9/18/2006 2:07 PM, Blogger Skawaii said...

I concur. PeopleCode's ugliness still does not cease to horrify and petrify me to my very core. It just goes to show that HR people shouldn't be allowed to make up programming languages.

At 9/19/2006 11:38 AM, Blogger Skawaii said...

Haha, that's awesome. How funny would it be to just start groaning after they answer their phone? I submit that it would be very funny.

At 9/20/2006 2:03 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

I get tempted to simulate a huge flatulent noise when that happens.

Cell phones going off in stalls can bring an interesting mood to a silent bathroom. I was in the bathroom at Fidelity once when all of a sudden Johnny Be Good started blaring from one of the stalls.

I can imagine what it would be like if Brian's phone went off in the stall.


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