Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Crosswalk Rant

There are two categories of idiots here in Provo, and some people belong in both categories.

  • Category 1: Drivers who do not care about crosswalks (or are too incompetent to recognize one).

  • Category 2: Pedestrians who think that drivers care about crosswalks.

If you are in any one of these categories, then I strongly encourage you to lock yourself up before somebody gets killed. This was bound to happen sometime. Is anybody actually surprised that this woman got hit by a car? People keep putting the blame on either the pedestrians or the drivers. I say that they're both careless. I think the crosswalks should just be removed in order to protect suicidal pedestrians from braindead drivers. What do you think?


At 3/09/2006 11:26 AM, Blogger Skawaii said...

I agree that the blame rests on both pedestrians and drivers. I come close to hitting pedestrians as they crossed in the crosswalk...sometimes it was my fault and sometimes not.

What really bugs me (when I'm a pedestrian) is when drviers unneccessarily slam on their breaks in order to stop for me. I'm not dumb enough to just walk out in front of them. I always time it so that I can get across without having to cause a car to slow down. And yet, some drivers feel the need to slam on the breaks and cause a big scene. That annoys me.

By the way, am I the only one that has grabbed every single orange flag and then crossed the street? It's pretty fun if you haven't tried. You can be a one-man show.


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