Friday, June 30, 2006

Germany Advances to Semifinals

Jawohl, meine Herren! Deutschland ist nochmals Sieger!

Germany beat Argentina on penalty kicks 4-2. It was a pretty intense game, especially when Germany fell behind Argentina 1-0. But they make a great goal and then continued battling until the end. Argentina played well, also. I have to say that, although they're fun to watch, penalty kicks are the worst way to end the game. Horrible way to loose. Oh well. I don't have a better idea.

Komm doch! Daechtest du, dass Deutschland verlieren wuerde? Bitte...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

l337 n00b

I found this email conversation I had with another intern here pretty funny, so I decided to blog it. I haven't blogged anything in a long while.

First, he emailed me with a morse code translator he made in Java:
.-. -.-- .- -. --..-- .-- .... .- - -.-. .-.. .- ... ... . ... .-- .. .-.. .-.. -.-- --- ..- -... . - .- -.- .. -. --. - .... .. ... ..-. .- .-.. .-.. .- - -... -.-- ..- ..--..

I later emailed him with a script that I made that did the exact same thing his code did, except with less than half the amount of code he had:
.--- ----- ----- ...- -... ...-- ...-- -. ----- .-- -. --.. ----- .-. ...-- -..
<<File: test.rb>>

He later responded:
Your Morse code message to me was: J00VB33N0WNZ0R3D. that makes no sense. Plus I could not open the test.rb file. I’m not even sure what file-type to associate with it.

I responded:
Yeah. That was my message. It makes perfect sense, and you either forgot the spacing between the words or your translator didn't put them there. The file is a plain text file so you can open it in a text editor like notepad. Did you not try that? It's a Ruby file. To run it you just need to install Ruby.

He then responded:
How does “J00VB33N0WNZ0R3D” make perfect sense? It doesn’t mean anything.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

World Cup News

Brazil won its game against Ghana today 3-0 and made it into the quarterfinals (not really that big of a surprise for the Cup favorites). Even bigger news is that Rolando scored his 15 World Cup goal, making him the all-time World Cup scoring leader. Congratulations to Rolando and the rest of the Brazilian soccer team.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Classic Post from the Archives

It's amazingly been over a year since we started this little blog up. I was reading through some of the old posts and found this classic post about the M&M man from 5/26/05. I think it's one of the funniest posts we've had. There's some more in the archives, so everyone feel free to browse through and find some more classics.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Mario Kart DS

James gets his butt kicked at Mario Kart by twelve year olds....haha. I'm sure I'd get wasted though, too.

Hey Ryan, can you see this site at Infidelity Prison?