Star Wars Episode III
I saw Episode III last night. Since some people haven't seen it yet, I will refrain from giving any spoilers. I give it a thumbs up, and this is coming from a guy who hated Episode II. Episode II was very unemotional and bland. None of the good guys actually died (and you were never afraid that any of them would), the acting was non-existant, and the scenes of Anakin and Padme made me experience vicarious embarrassment. It was ridiculous compared to the original movies. However, I think George Lucas redeemed himself finally in this last one. The characters actually had a few good lines (some of it was still bland). The action and effects were obviously extremely good. There was actual emotion and tragedy. I enjoyed it and I think it's worth seeing in a large and loud theater.
One minor note: The line from Obi-Wan, "Only a Sith deals in absolutes." Where on earth did that come from? All of a sudden a political jab comes out of nowhere and stops just short of mentioning George Bush by name. I'm okay with very subtle political jabs I guess, but this just popped out of Obi-Wan's mouth as though it weren't even in the script. It had nothing to do whatsoever with the plot or the philosophies of the dark side and the good. It was a very silly line, and way too obvious in its intentions. I guess it'll give Bush-haters a lot to harp on, not to mention a whole slew of new T-shirts.