Friday, May 27, 2005

Star Wars Episode III

I saw Episode III last night. Since some people haven't seen it yet, I will refrain from giving any spoilers. I give it a thumbs up, and this is coming from a guy who hated Episode II. Episode II was very unemotional and bland. None of the good guys actually died (and you were never afraid that any of them would), the acting was non-existant, and the scenes of Anakin and Padme made me experience vicarious embarrassment. It was ridiculous compared to the original movies. However, I think George Lucas redeemed himself finally in this last one. The characters actually had a few good lines (some of it was still bland). The action and effects were obviously extremely good. There was actual emotion and tragedy. I enjoyed it and I think it's worth seeing in a large and loud theater.

One minor note: The line from Obi-Wan, "Only a Sith deals in absolutes." Where on earth did that come from? All of a sudden a political jab comes out of nowhere and stops just short of mentioning George Bush by name. I'm okay with very subtle political jabs I guess, but this just popped out of Obi-Wan's mouth as though it weren't even in the script. It had nothing to do whatsoever with the plot or the philosophies of the dark side and the good. It was a very silly line, and way too obvious in its intentions. I guess it'll give Bush-haters a lot to harp on, not to mention a whole slew of new T-shirts.

Bug of the Day (Friday 5/27/05)

I received this bug yesterday, but Ryan's bug was so much better. I think it makes the cut today.

Bug Tracking #: 74
Project: Scholarship Consideration-Awarding
Date reported: 4/19/2005
Navigation: SCH109 Pattern Selection Page and SCH110 Pattern n page
Brief Description: On the Pattern Selection Page when you click VIEW next a pattern, it opens the Pattern page. On the Pattern page, provide a Cancel button to take the user back to the Pattern Selection page.
Detailed Steps to Reproduce: On the Pattern Selection Page SCH109, click View next to Hinckley pattern. The system will open SCH110 and display the Hinckley pattern. The user may want to return to the Pattern Selection page and has no way to do it without entering the URL in the Route Y search field.

I guess IE doesn't have a back button anymore....

Thursday, May 26, 2005

And some said it wouldn't happen...

Just a quick story to illustrate that prayers are indeed answered.

I want to see Star Wars Episode III. Since I'm married, I have to take my wife with me (you'll understand if you're married). Since I'm poor, I have to go to a matinee showing. So far this has proved difficult since my wife, Beth, works an afternoon job.

Last Thursday Beth started a morning job.

On Tuesday Beth told her afternoon boss that she was quitting as soon as they found a replacement for her.

Last night I prayed that her boss would find someone quickly so that we could go see Star Wars.

Today Beth's boss hired a replacement.


aeTree Buttons

I've noticed that just about everyone and everything has a banner or button of some type to advertise itself. After searching extensively through OIT Engineering and Wiki, I noticed that we have no banner or button to advertise our wonderful aeTree system. In order to rectify this situation, I created the below buttons. Please include one of these buttons on all webpages you have previously worked on (including scholarship pages) and all future webpages.

More designs due soon pending how bored I am and how quickly my Photoshop skillz develop.

RSS Feed

I've just discovered that our blog has a RSS Feed. That means it's possible for all us Firefox users to create a Live Bookmark. If you're interested (for some odd reason), the feed address is If you don't know how to create a Live Bookmark, it's under Bookmarks>Manage Bookmarks>File>New Live Bookmark.

Bug of the Day (Thursday 5/26/05)

Here's the bug of the day folks. I received it this morning:
Bug Tracking #: 172
Project: Scholarship Consideration-Awarding
Date reported: 5/25/2005
Navigation: SCH106 Account Page
Brief Description: > When selecting the value for Eligible Students per Agreement, I would like the ability to tab to the value I want and enter an x in the box next to it instead of having to use my mouse.
Detailed Steps to Reproduce: On SCH106, enter 11447337 in the View Another Speedtype field and enter. The system will display a new page. Tab to Program Code and Account Name and enter a value each time. Tab to the Eligible Students Use field of your choice. Then you have to stop and use the mouse to select the value you want. I would rather tab to the value and type 'x'. It is faster and doesn't require the use of the mouse.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Ken reported to me today that the BZFlag server is up and running at Special thanks go out to Brian (aka Brain) and Ken for spending two days installing Gentoo on Richie's old laptop so that we can use it as a server. Unfortunately for Ken, no one took over translating the COBOL programs into C during the last two days, so he has to go back to that laborious torture.

Sources say that the Scorched Earth 3D server will be up soon. Check back for more details.

Congratulations to Ryan

I'd like to congratulate my good friend, Ryan Phelps, for receiving his first Pat on the Back today, 25 May 2005. Although there was not much patting that went on, it was still a Pat on the Back.

Pat Stats
Pattee: Ryan Phelps
Patter: Mark Crowther
Duraion: 1 sec
Number of Pats: 1
Date: 25 May 2005

First Post!!

Welcome to Pats on the Back, a blog dedicated to all the random stuff that goes on at the BYU OIT, specifically within the Student Financial Applications department. Not that you really care, because the chances of anyone ever looking at this page are slim-to-none. Na ja. It's fun for us.